Interviews: Historical Evolution and Artistic Inheritance

Dancing lion is a traditional Chinese culture. Born from the palace lion dance of Tang Dynasty,waking lion activity has a long history, the original name for the Rui Lion means good luck, until the Opium War spread to the south, because the word "Rui" dialect harmonic "sleep", it was changed to "dancing lion", meaning that waking up the lion to wake up the soul of the country, and drumming to invigorate the spirit. But we generally do not know it well, it is not only a form of performance.but also the usual training hard work and sweat, team tacit understanding and cooperation.

One minute on the stage, ten years of work under the stage, only in the usual training and constantly grinding in order to present the final brilliant performance.

This time, Lucky Harvey together with dancing lion inheritor Zhao Weibin explore the innovative inheritance path, "This is an innovative inheritance method that can be accepted by the young generation, and it also represents that more new forces are willing to participate in this relay race of intangible cultural heritage." As a Chinese brand, Lucky Harvey also hopes to bring Chinese culture to the world stage step by step.

Publication time:2023-11-17